Bing Ads Agency for B2B SaaS companies
We create high-converting Bing Ads campaigns for B2B SaaS companies.
Trusted by 40+ leading B2B SaaS companies
How we execute high performing
Bing Ads campaigns
Analyzing your ideal client
Keyword research & competitor ads analysis
Set up and launch your campaigns
Optimization & team meetings
Analyzing your ideal client
Keyword research & competitor ads analysis
Set up and launch your campaigns
Optimization & team meetings
What our Bing Ads Agency do?
Keyword research and competitor's analysis
We will also analyze historical data and current performance in your accounts to find valuable insights that will guide our initial strategy. The main goal of conducting this audit is to create a Bing ads strategy that drive sales and positive ROI.
Then we organize Bing ads campaign and ad group structures with the most relevant ads and landing pages.
Campaign management and optimization
We monitor and optimize your campaigns on a daily basis. We go through new data and take insights to squeeze out more alpha which means more revenue from your ad campaigns.
Scale your SaaS PPC campaign results and grow your business with campaign strategy and execution from our experienced Bing Ads agency team.
Monitoring conversions and reporting
After the initial campaign has been run, you will receive weekly reports. This will allow you to see results in real-time and can give you a competitive edge. These reports will measure the return on investment (ROI), and we will go through these with you to help you understand the results.
From setting up accurate tracking and reporting with Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, and Google Data Studio along with SEMRush, Google Search Console, and Power Analytics we have all the data along with the insights to make it actionable.
How we Helped GoRamp Generate 47% More Demos with Less Budget Using LinkedIn Ads
When we started working with GoRamp we found they had been relying heavily on Google Ads for about 12 months, Cost per conversion actions weren’t ideal at almost $585 per lead. They needed a more efficient way to target their audience, so we decided go for Linkedin Ads
What Will You Get From Our Bing Advertising
You’re getting in front of the best customers for your business.
- Increase of marketing qualified leads
- More Customers
- Reporting: weekly and monthly reports
Happy B2B SaaS clients
Fenix Bretz
CEO @ Kodosurvey
Focus on what’s efficient and provides ROI. Actively recommend what NOT to spend time and money on and why that is.
Bob Samii
CEO @ Sharplaunch
They are like a Swiss Army knife for B2B SaaS marketing… razor sharp and very resourceful. I would highly recommend.
Alexandre Guinefolleau
CEO @ Amenitiz
Extensive knowledge of PPC. The ongoing work has really helped us in Amenitiz so far! I would recommend working with them.
Industries we work with
Our Pricing
Up to $3k/month ad spend-
Conversion tracking
Competitors Analysis
Keywords research
Ads copywriting
Campaigns set up and optimization
Budget optimization and management
Customized report
Strategic guidance
Retargeting audiences and campaigns
A/B testing
Up to $10k/month ad spend-
Conversion tracking
Competitors Analysis
Keywords research
Ads copywriting
Campaigns set up and optimization
Budget optimization and management
Customized report
Strategic guidance
Retargeting audiences and campaigns
A/B testing
Weekly calls available
Up to $20k/month ad spend-
Conversion tracking
Competitors Analysis
Keywords research
Ads copywriting
Landing page design instructions
Campaigns set up and optimization
Budget optimization and management
Customized report
Strategic guidance
Retargeting audiences and campaigns
A/B testing
Weekly calls available
You are in good hands
Our Other Services
SaaS PPC Agency
Grow your demos and trials, increase MRR while reducing your cost of customer acquisition with our PPC campaigns: Google Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Facebook Ads and Microsoft Ads
Google Ads for SaaS
We have grown software and technology companies with Google search advertising. We are former Head of Marketing focused on Maximizing the ROI of your PPC campaigns
LinkedIn Ads for SaaS
LinkedIn Ads need to be delivered by B2B marketers with a deep understanding of B2B buyer journeys & buyer intent. We focus on ROI: MQL, pipeline and revenue are the goal
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
What is Bing Ads?
Does Bing/Microsoft advertising work
It’s obvious that Bing is Google’s underdog, but it is seeing a steady increase in search market share. You can enjoy a higher return on your investment if you allocate a portion of your advertising budget to Bing PPC. Bing ads are cheaper and actually get a higher CTR than Google, which is possible because of their ad placement and less competition.
Is Bing Advertising Worth it?
Why should you hire a professional Bing ads agency?
Getting the most profit from Bing ads requires a solid campaign management strategy. The right Bing ad agency can select the best keywords, launch an effective campaign, and ensure you receive a satisfactory return on investment for every dollar you spend.
Where do you serve your clients?
We serve clients all around the world. Currently, most of our clients are from North-America, Europe and Australia.
What Bing Ads services do you offer?
Depending on the pricing plan chosen, our services include:
- Conversion tracking implementation
- Competitors Analysis
- Strategy guidance
- Keywords and audience research
- Campaigns set up and optimization
- Ads copywriting
- Remarketing and ABM campaigns
- Budget optimization and management
- Customized report and real time dashboard
- CRM integrations
- Landing pages mockup
We also have reliable partners who can help with your SEO, content marketing, and email marketing needs.
What industries do you work with?
We are not industry-exclusive. We have extensive experience in various sectors such as B2B technology, IT consulting, cybersecurity, financial services, compliance, HR, manufacturing, construction, logistics, nonprofit, legal services, data management, healthcare, and much more.
How much do your Google Ads services cost?
We charge a monthly flat fee ranging from $1,200 to $3,000, depending on your ad spend and the paid channels involved.