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Cybersecurity Lead Generation: The Complete Guide 2024

If you’re looking for ways to grow your cybersecurity company in 2024, outsourcing could be the key. 

More and more tech companies are looking to outsource, rather than hire a full-time, permanent team; and this implementation of third-party companies could be the ticket to prosperous lead generation for you.

Whatever your marketing strategy – be it working with an in-house individual, freelancer, or a cybersecurity marketing agency – this article looks at the best solutions for lead generation for cybersecurity companies in the upcoming year.

1 – Lead-Gen Strategies for Cybersecurity Companies

Cybersecurity companies are a growing niche in the B2B world, because more and more of our business is conducted online. 

So, if you’ve recently launched a cybersecurity brand and are hoping to see some jaw-dropping growth, you have a good chance. 


Because cybersecurity is in hot demand right now. But (and it’s a fairly big ‘but’) – your marketing strategy needs to be top-tier, because your competition will be fierce. 

The top lead-gen strategies for cybersecurity companies in 2024 are:

Market Research

All industries who conduct aspects of their business online have a need for cybersecurity, so as far as markets go – there’s plenty of demand. Increasing your market base is a key component for stellar lead generation, and some markets to look at (if you’ve not done so already) include:  

  • Medical
  • Startups (of any industry)
  • Research and education
  • Private clients looking to increase their cybersecurity
  • Companies that are going digital
  • Current cybersecurity users looking for more reliable, up-to-date solutions

Methods of increasing your market base include:

  • Seeking referrals from current clients
  • Hiring a team of marketers or writers to build an advertising campaign
  • Business networking events
  • Launching online products (such as webinars or eBooks)

ABM (Account-Based Marketing)

Most companies are aware of the need for cybersecurity, but are rarely fully in the know about potential threats to their specific organisation, and how hackers are increasingly upping their game to create new malware, spyware, and other threats.

This means you can find highly-targeted audiences in need of specific cybersecurity services. And account-based marketing may hold the key to doing just that.

You can create an ABM campaign that targets the decision-makers of these companies and lets them know why they need you.

How to get started:

  • Identify the decision-makers of various organisations
  • Segment them with other leads with similar demographic data
  • Create an ad that resonates with this audience
  • Look into conversation-based ads (such as LinkedIn in-mail campaigns)
  • Carve out a personalised lead nurturing strategy for when the lead converts
  • Regularly A/B test your campaign to monitor its performance and make any necessary amendments.

(Free) Auditing

Any company with a sliver of common sense will want to audit their cybersecurity annually (at least) to check the health and wellbeing of the tech side of their organisation – so they will reach out to a cybersecurity company to perform that audit.

How you can stay one step ahead of your competitors is you can offer a free audit for first-time customers. 

This will help you demonstrate your company’s skills and – most importantly – build a rapport with the organisation. 

Educational Content Marketing

Most companies will have limited (or no) knowledge of the tech threats they face every day. This is where building an educational-based ad campaign can really hit home.

Let’s face it – a company isn’t likely to reach out if they aren’t even aware of the cyber threats out there. So, build a campaign that informs them, answers any potential questions they may have, and then hits them with a solution (a call-to-action for your company).

Website Prowess

Your website is the backbone of your company, so make sure it’s strong, easy-to-navigate, up-to-date, full of useful, informative content, and – most importantly – has a very discernable CTA (call-to-action).

Your ad campaign only plays a partial role in lead generation – your website plays the other. And more often than not, it is the ‘make or break’ element in lead generation and conversion. 

Here are some of the best website tactics to foster lead-gen in 2023:

  • The CTA has to be VERY visible – make it super-easy for them to reach out.
  • Be human. Avoid too much techie jargon, which is confusing and off-putting to the Layman. Say what you need to say, simply and succinctly. 
  • Include videos. Videos are easy-to-consume content for leads; and more often than not, a lead would rather watch a video than read through great whacks of text. Keep them short ‘n’ sweet though – between 30 – 60 seconds is your best bet.
  • Make sure your website is easy to navigate, so that the lead can browse and find what they need.

Content is Key

As a tech-based company, your online content speaks volumes.

Your digital content acts as a mirror for the cybersecurity products/services you offer, so make sure it is top-drawer. And that includes how you market said content.

Things to focus on when advertising your content:

  • Consistency is key. All content must corroborate with both the visual aspect of your campaign, what’s on your website, and most importantly – how your company serves its clients. 
  • Make sure each piece of content mirrors the buying needs of the lead, in keeping with where they are in their Buying Journey. Keep it relevant and pin-pointed – not generic.
  • Sell the benefits of your brand – not the products/services. Leads need to know how you’ll improve their work lives – not what you’re trying to flog.

LinkedIn is Your Friend

We mentioned LinkedIn earlier – this is because it was designed for the marketing and networking needs of B2B companies, just like yours.

If executed properly, a LinkedIn marketing campaign can be a powerful lead generation method. Here’s how to harness the platform to elevate your marketing:

  • Create content that opens up a line of dialogue between the company and a prospect. Building trust is key here.
  • Take advantage of the tagging option in posts. Tag relevant organisations and individuals, as this will incite engagement and broaden your ad’s audience (because it will appear on the feeds of those you have tagged too).
  • Look into sponsored/paid ads.
  • Dabble in lead-gen forms. These are brilliant for building strong audiences.
  • Familiarise yourself with automated email content via LinkedIn.

Analyse Your Stats

When launching a digital marketing campaign, it is crucial you regularly monitor your key performance indicators (KPIs). This will show you (in real-time) how your campaign is performing, as well as highlight areas which need tweaking (such as keyword bids, etc.).

Doing this will allow you to accurately calculate your return-on-investment (ROI) on your current campaign, as well as provide priceless advice for future marketing. 

Always do your research to discern the best KPIs for your particular business and campaign objective.

2 – Lead-Gen for Cybersecurity Brands: Top Tips

When creating your lead-gen marketing campaign, it is important to adhere to the following advice in order to achieve the best ROI:

Be Transparent

Bending the truth (or outright dishonesty) will always come back to bite the marketer in the proverbial. When engaging with your leads, be prepared for them to call out any and every aspect of your campaign – and make sure you are ready to cater to them.

Any lead-gen marketing campaign that talks the talk, but doesn’t walk the walk, is destined to fail because the prospect will deem the entire company as unreliable and dishonest.

Generate Demand

This means proving to companies that they do need cybersecurity (because they really do – even if they think they don’t).

Before you can generate any leads, you need to generate demand for your services – this is where a well-crafted ad campaign comes in. 

How you do this is up to you. You could focus on a news story where a relevant company is recovering from hacking, or some other cybercrime – highlighting more on solutions, than the pitfalls of the company in question. In other words, highlight the issue and the solution, without making the company look stupid.

Audio, Video, & Multimedia

We mentioned earlier that video is an effective marketing tool – this is because the average lead’s attention span on the subject of advertising is less than four seconds – so you need to grab and hold their attention quickly and effectively. 

Video is particularly useful for subjects that are either heavily reliant on tech info, or are just plain boring, because you can make videos far more engaging and entertaining than you can with written content.

Use Case Studies

Case studies are the marketer’s best friend. Why? Because they prove that the company is credible.

They must be genuine though. Don’t just make them up!

Ask your previous clients to write or film a little segment about how your company helped them, and get them to highlight particular areas, such as how your company helped prevent monetary theft/data leaks, recovery of lost data (or funds), et al. Try and get them to go a little deeper than just “X is a great company”. 

Digital Events

Such as webinars.

We touched on this earlier. Digital events, such as webinars, eBook launches, live chats, Zoom talks – anything that can encourage online engagement – is great for lead generation. Digital events allow you to provide the wheres, whats, and whys of cybersecurity for potential customers.

Don’t forget to include a call-to-action at the end!

If you’d like to learn more about how we help Cybersecurity companies grow their MRR through online paid advertising, contact us online or send us an email today at to speak with someone on our team.

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Kamel Ben Yacoub is the Founder & CEO of Getuplead. He is an industry-recognized leader in paid marketing with more than 15 years of experience, including previous roles as director of performance marketing for several international SaaS and B2B companies.