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Tips to Increase Your LinkedIn Ads Conversion Rate

Advertising on LinkedIn has never been easier, mainly because the platform allows you to monitor your conversion rate during your campaigns and measure them against the average conversion rate to see how well your ad is performing. This article provides all the information you need to know about lead conversion monitoring on LinkedIn.

1 – What are conversions on LinkedIn?

There are four types of conversions on LinkedIn for marketers to target their desired audiences with, depending on the purpose of their campaign. These conversion types are:

– Completing forms

– Downloading content

– Making sales

– Registering for events

This means that whatever your campaign end-goal is, there is a conversion type that can help you reach it.

2- What is the Average Conversion Rate for LinkedIn Ads?

The average conversion rate on LinkedIn depends on where you are in the world. For example, if you’re operating in the United States, the typical conversion rate at present is 6.1%. If you were to look at these numbers in comparison with Google PPC (pay-per-click) ads, which are 3.75% for search ads and 0.77% for display ads, you’re looking at higher conversions by utilising LinkedIn instead of Google.

Other Platform Conversion Rates


3 – Tips to Improve Your Conversion Rate on LinkedIn Ads

Create Effective and Professional Content

You will have already established your target audience by the time you come to create your content and copy, and by doing so, you should have some idea of the type of content that will both grab and hold their attention (and hopefully impress them enough to want to convert!)

Your copy needs to be well-written, compelling, and professional – this means exemplary spelling, grammar, and punctuation. But that’s not all. You need to convey your message in a simple and concise manner. Most ad types on LinkedIn will only give you a certain character limit (which will include spaces), so you need to deliver the full message within those constraints, which can be challenging. If you’re not blessed with the gift of the gab, it can be worth hiring the services of a professional copywriter. PRO TIP: If you work in a specific niche area, finding a copywriter that operates exclusively within the same niche can be hugely beneficial.

When it comes to the content, you need to create it with the following in mind:

–  What you’re advertising

–  Why you’re advertising

– Who you’re advertising to

Keeping these in the forefront of your mind will help you create content that converts. Also, when it comes to content – be mindful that many people will blow right past content if their brain recognises that it’s an advertisement – regardless of where they are in the sales funnel – so you need something (this could be a headline or image) that snaps their attention and compels them to read on before they’re consciously aware that they’re reading an ad.

Also – bear in mind LinkedIn is a saturated platform when it comes to marketing, which further drums in the importance of making your content stand out (particularly in comparison to that of your competitors).

Build the Ideal Target Audience 

It’s crucial to understand that no matter how impressive or eye-grabbing your content is, if it’s not aimed at the right people, it will be completely ineffective and you’ll see a loss on your investment into your marketing budget.

Not only that – if you target the wrong people, LinkedIn’s algorithm will understand this, and consequently, will display your ad less because it will not be receiving much (or any) engagement. So, this further suggests the importance of knowing who your targeted audience is and building it accordingly.

If you’re not entirely sure of your audience, creating Buyer Personas may help. Buyer Personas are fictitious people who can/should benefit from whatever you’re advertising in your campaign. This could be people who have already purchased from/worked with your brand before; or it could be entirely new leads. To make it easier, LinkedIn will allow you to target leads on LinkedIn based on demographic information, career, seniority, skills, professional interests, and more.

If you get this part right, you’re halfway there to conversion success.

Make Your Landing Page Informative & Easy to Navigate

Many LinkedIn advertisers use the platform to create a campaign that then drives their audience away from the channel and onto their website’s landing page to be converted there.

So, if you’re hoping to compel a lead to convert there, the content and information on your landing page needs to be good-quality and simple to navigate. It is particularly important that your CTA (call-to-action) is obvious for them to recognise, otherwise conversion rates will lapse, because people are not interested in going out of their way to find out more information to be converted. Instead, they want to be spoon-fed the information.

When designing your landing page, make it look clean, professional, and eye-catching. Keep written content to a minimum, because people aren’t interested in trawling through masses of text. Images should be crystal-clear and minimal. Over-cluttered pages are off-putting. And we’ve said it before, but we’ll say it again: MAKE YOUR CTA OBVIOUS.

Again, if web content creation isn’t your forte, hire a professional to do it for you. It’ll guarantee a better ROI (return-on-investment).

Always Test Your Copy

Testing your ad copy gives you much advantage in achieving a successful outcome on your campaign because when creating your ad copy, chances are you’re not going to get it right the first time, so trying out several different versions can help you maximise your chance of audience conversion.

How it works is you create several different versions of your copy and test it against members to see which one creates the best/most engagement. Taking the time to test your content will give you concrete results on what version will achieve the optimal results, so failure to do so would put you at a major disadvantage.

Your Ad’s Message: The Best Tips

–  Be relevant with your words. Make every word count.

–  Keep an eye on what your competitors are doing/saying. Reword your message better.

–  Use your message to demonstrate your expertise on the particular subject.

Copy & Image: The Best Tips

– Make sure the visuals are in-keeping with the message of your ad.

– Test. Test. Test. Test out a minimum of 3 versions of your ad to see which performs the best.

– Always follow the recommendations from LinkedIn. They are the experts and their advertising knowledge is priceless.

– Optimise your content by keeping an eye on your conversion rate. If your rate is low (despite the content being optimised) this could indicate your content/copy isn’t performing well and needs to be tweaked.

Lead Gen Forms: The Best Tips

– LinkedIn lead gen forms can often mean a better conversion rate than a landing page.

– Select the right pre-filled fields relevant to the audience. Keep them to the minimum, so as not to be too overwhelming to the reader.

–  With the form, sell the benefits of filling out the form – not the benefits of the overall campaign.

– Again – create more than one version and test them to see which generates the most success.


LinkedIn provides conversion rate metrics for the sole purpose of helping you generate the best results from your campaign. The crucial part of any ad campaign on LinkedIn is to test various versions of your ad copy and content, which will give you strong insight into which performs the best, thus indicating the highest conversion rate possibility.

If you’d like to learn more about how we help B2B SaaS and Tech companies grow their MRR through LinkedIn advertising, contact us online or send us an email today at to speak with someone on our team.

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Kamel Ben Yacoub is the Founder & CEO of Getuplead. He is an industry-recognized leader in paid marketing with more than 15 years of experience, including previous roles as director of performance marketing for several international SaaS and B2B companies.