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How to Write LinkedIn Ads Copy that Converts

When it comes to marketing, content is key. So is your copy. And the content and copy for any types and formats of your LinkedIn ads is no exception.

When it comes to your brand’s social media feed, every aspect of your content – from the image to the description, to the grammar – has to be top-level. When a potential lead is scrolling through their social feeds, it’s easy for mediocre content to get lost amongst all the better (and even the worse) stuff, so creating eye-catching and compelling content is crucial – which is sometimes easier said than done. 

This article looks into how to create LinkedIn Ads copy that actually sells. Nonetheless, you can also hire a reliable LinkedIn ads agency to assist you in creating Copies that convert.

LinkedIn Ads – The Best Copywriting Tips

1 – Start your content with an (appropriate) emoji

Emojis have a place in content, as they can help make it eye-catching and can help you drive your message in (particularly to a lazy reader!), but use them sparingly and only use ones that are applicable to the content itself.

2 – Use a good, compelling CTA (call-to-action) that is right for your ad

Marketing content is only as good as its CTA, so make sure you use the right one for the purpose of your marketing campaign. And make sure it’s easy for the reader to identify the CTA and what it delivers them if they click on it.

LinkedIn has ready-made CTA buttons, which include:

– Sign up

Apply Now

– Download

– Get Quote

– Learn More

– Subscribe

– Register

Make sure you select the right one that backs up what you’re trying to encourage the reader to do.

3 – Put the CTA in the right place (above the fold/intro)

Staying on the subject of CTAs for a second – make sure that once you’ve selected the right button for your ad to then put it in the correct place – above the fold (or the intro).

IMPORTANT – make sure you deliver the ad’s overall message before you put your CTA in. A reader has to understand why they need to click on the call-to-action.

Please note – if you’re paying for PPC (pay-per-click) ads on LinkedIn, you won’t be charged if the reader clicks on the “see more” CTA button, so this can be a good option if you’re working with a limited budget.

4 – Keep your copy CLEAR about what the purpose of the ad is (and who it’s for)

Again, if you’re working on a PPC basis, you want the right people to be clicking on your ad so that your money isn’t being wasted. The right people are what marketing pros consider as ‘hot leads’ (people most likely to be converted by your ad).

5 – Use bullet points

Internet users are lazy and they want content to be easy to read and understand, so bullet points can help you deliver your message in a bite-size way. 

Bullet points allow skim-readers to understand what you’re trying to say at a glance, so use your bullet points to get the most important aspects of your ad across, which will increase the chance of conversion, even if they don’t read the whole ad.

6 – Hook your reader

Use your opening line to call out the reader and engage them in why you’ve created this ad and why they need to get involved.

Many internet-users won’t go further than the first line of a piece of content if they aren’t able to grasp the purpose of the piece in that first sentence – so make sure you hook them straight away.

7 – Keep your headline short ‘n’ sweet

And by that, we mean 70 characters or under (including spaces).

Again, readers like to understand the entire purpose of an ad within that initial subject line – there is no room for cryptic content or over-embellished language. You need to get to the point – pronto!

8 – Don’t shout at your reader!


The same goes for emoji-use. Less is more. We’ve all seen posts online where the content is smattered with emojis or capitals, and frankly, it makes it hard and unappealing to read.

Use this mantra when writing your copy: ‘less is more, less is more…’.

Also – if you use too many caps or emojis, the platform will reject the ad because they’ll view it as spam.

9 – Use numbers where you can (particularly in your headline)

Many readers respond better to numbers than text, so if possible, include a number or statistic in your headline. No one really knows the psychology behind it, but numbers are automatically more eye-catching than other language symbols (particularly letters).

Good examples of numbers to use are:

– A statistic: “98% of users have noticed an improvement…”

– An accolade: “3-time Mercury prize winner…”

– A date: “We will be launching our new online course on 08/09/22…”

– Monetary info: “For just £9.99, you can purchase our fully-inclusive service…”

10 – Use a URL for the reader to visit

The great thing about links is that they are a CTA in themselves, and they don’t include spaces, which saves on the text/space limit that is often applicable with social media ads.

11 – Use the right tone

Chances are your audience will be from a particular industry/sector, so make sure you adapt your tone to that audience. Use business jargon sparingly, as it can be rather off-putting.

Jokes and puns can work, if they are appropriate and in-keeping with the subject matter. 

When you’ve finished writing your content, run it through Grammarly or get a proofreader to check it – nothing looks more amateur than typos, spelling mistakes, or poor grammar or punctuation in an advertisement.

12 – Play around with sentence types

Don’t be afraid to test different sentence types to see what works best. Consider a/b testing too. Taking the time to do this may make all the difference when it comes to encouraging a lead to engage or convert.

There are several legitimate sentence types you can test/work with to see which fits best. These are:

– Declarative – these are straight-to-the-point statements that let the audience know exactly what the deal is.

–  Exclamative – these are often used to evoke an emotional response in copywriting (and journalism). They are typically known for their ability to grab (and hold) the reader’s attention.

– Interrogative – this is a sentence that is a question and puts the audience on the spot, forcing them to (subconsciously) answer the question in their heads. This is often one of the most popular and successful sentence types.

Consider the purpose, tone, and goal of your ad, and pick the sentence type you feel best suits it.

13 – Try different copy lengths

When it comes to creating content for online ads, testing is your best friend.

As with sentence types, playing around with your copy length can help you define the best structure for your ad. Generally speaking, internet users aren’t keen on reading through great whacks of text, so it could be well worth your time (and money) experimenting with getting your message across in a way that involves less text and more images (or a video) and seeing if you’re able to convey the full message without writing an essay-length piece of copy!

When in doubt, employ a copywriter to create the word side of your ad for you. They will know what to say and how to say it to best communicate your message with the reader.


The written side of your online ads are just as important as the visuals. The words you choose need to convey the message in a concise and succinct manner. They also need to be in-keeping with any word/character length restrictions, and they need to look professional (meaning, no typos, bad grammar, etc).

Key takeaways:

–  Feel free to open your content with an (appropriate) emoji, and use a few more here and there throughout the copy, but use them sparingly. Too many emojis will flag a piece of content on LinkedIn as spam. This goes for using too many capital letters.

– Use the right CTA and make sure it is situated in the right place (the intro/fold).

– Use bullet points to help drum in your message to readers.

– Use numbers – particularly within your headline. Readers respond well to numbers.

– Make sure the tone of voice you use in your copy is appropriate to your audience.

– TEST TEST TEST! Before your campaign goes live, play around with subject types and content lengths. Spending a bit of time doing this may make all the difference to how many readers convert.

– If words (or grammar and punctuation) aren’t your forte, consider hiring the services of a professional copywriter. Copywriters are experts in knowing how to communicate to a particular audience in the best way, and they will make sure the rules of language are adhered to, to ensure your ad looks as professional and sharp as possible.

If you’d like to learn more about how we help B2B SaaS and Tech companies grow their MRR through LinkedIn advertising, contact us online or send us an email today at to speak with someone on our team.

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